Alexander Hayes
Partner, Oethica Group Productions (Other education not elsewhere classified; Information systems organisation and management; Science, technology and engineering curriculum and pedagogy)
Perth, Western Australia
- All publications available at http://www.alexanderhayes.com/publications
- Pervasive Technology: Aboriginal Communities and Oppression [Opinion]
- Google Glass: A certain reality
- 2015 SCIT EIS Trade Showcase Poster
- Reflections: Glass & Mobile Learning
- #glassmeetup
- On Country: Australian Aboriginal Communities, Mining and Artificial Intelligence [Opinion]
- On the Road with Rick Sare and Google Glass [Interview]
- My Journey into Glass: Talking about Google Glass with stakeholders in the Glass Explorer Program
- Identity awareness and re-use of research data in veillance and social computing
- Cyborg Cops, Googlers, and Connectivism [Leading Edge]
- The Sky Is the Limit [Interview]
- National Snapshot: Current Use of POV Technologies 2010 Australian Educational Context
- 2014 SCIT Showcase Poster
- The Application of Location-Enabled Body-Worn Technologies In The Education Sector [Invited Speaker]
- Google Glass in the Health Professions
- Alexander Hayes on AR: It’s a shift in humanity, not in technology! [Interview]
- The Null Hypothesis: On Country, Cyborgs and the Singularity [Interview]
- Uberveillance: Where Wear & Educative Arrangement [Presenter]
- Streamfolio Mahara Introduction [Presenter]
- Social Surveillance [Presenter]
- Uberveillance: Where Wear and Educative Arrangement
- Interview with Professor Mark Billinghurst [Interview]
- Interview with Cecilia Abadie - Google Glass Explorer [Interview]
- Interview with Stephen Downes [Interview]
- MobilizeThis 2010: Five Years On Five Years Back [Presenter]
- Connect: SISAT Research Student Colloquium [Presenter]
- Location Enabled Body Worn Technologies In The Education Sector
- Location Enabled Body Worn Technologies In The Education Sector [Presenter]
- Identity of Research Data
Usage metrics
Co-workers & collaborators
Ruth Mirams
Co-founder, Paramodic - Canberra
Magali McDuffie
Educator, Filmmaker, Researcher - Perth, Western Australia
Mikaela Jade
Anne Poelina
Adjunct Professor - Broome, Western Australia
Katina Michael
Amir Aryani
Head of Social Data Analytics Lab, Swinburne University - Melbourne, Australia