- Reply to RC2
- Prediction of overwash in alongshore variable barrier islands [Previsão da ocorrência de galgamentos em ilhas barreira com variabilidade longilitoral]
- Towards Assessing the Resilience of Complex Coastal Systems: Examples from Ria Formosa (South Portugal)
- Reply to RC1
- Nearshore and foreshore influence on overwash of a barrier island
- Estuarine and coastal morphodynamics
- BARDEX II: Bringing the beach to the laboratory - Again!
- Bridging the gap between resilience and geomorphology of complex coastal systems
- Adão e Eva usavam colares de conchas furadas, Sul Informação, 9 de junho 2018
- As enxurradas do Guadiana faziam parte da sua identidade
- Coastal geology to children through performative arts
- Exploração de minerais no mar profundo pode ter efeitos tóxicos em mexilhões
- Residentes da praia de Faro sabem que correm riscos mas não arredam pé
- Assessment of natural and anthropic drivers to the evolution of Ria Formosa barrier island system
- Assessing the resilience of the Ria Formosa barrier Island system: preliminar findings
- Measuring and modelling overwash hydrodynamics on a barrier island
- Overwash hydrodynamics on a barrier island by video imagery: preliminary results
- Large-scale barrier dynamics experiment II (BARDEX II) Experimental design and some preliminary results
- Response to storm overwash of gravel and sandy barriers
- Laboratory Investigation of wave runup on a prototype scale sand barrier
- Longshore variation of overwash occurrence in a barrier Island (Portugal)
- Ecosystem processes and service provision in salt marshes facing varying sediment availability
- Comunicação de ciência para a inclusão social: exploração de abordagens Ciência & Arte
- Past and future marsh adaptation: Lessons learned from the Ria Formosa lagoon
- Overwash Processes: Lessons from Fieldwork and Laboratory Experiments
- Measurements of morphodynamic and hydrodynamic overwash processes in a large-scale wave flume
- The influence of sediment availability to coastal ecosystem services provision
- Recurso à dança criativa e storytelling para a comunicação de ciência
- Communicating about wetlands to the audiences: what do the experts think?
- Projeto 'Dar corpo às memórias': Uma experiência de Ciência & Arte para a inclusão social
- Science communication for social inclusion: exploring science & art approaches
- European journalists and the sea: Contexts, motivations, and difficulties
- Managing flood risk in fetch-limited environments
- Overwash experiment on a sandy barrier
- Sediment transport measurements with tracers in very low-energy beaches
- Detailed investigation of overwash on a gravel barrier
- Wave runup and overwash on a prototype-scale sand barrier
- The East Coast of Algarve: a Barrier Island Dominated Coast
- Large-scale Barrier Dynamics Experiment II (BARDEX II): Experimental design, instrumentation, test program, and data set
- Overtopping hazard on a rubble mound breakwater
- Portugal
- Engaging socially-vulnerable communities in science: exploring Science & Art approaches
- Objetos das ciências do mar sob a lente artística
- Engagement with science and art as a means of social inclusion
- Barrier island resilience assessment: Applying the ecological principles to geomorphological data
- Field measurements and hydrodynamic modelling to evaluate the importance of factors controlling overwash
- Impacts of human interventions on the evolution of the Ria Formosa barrier island system (S. Portugal)
- Engaging children in geosciences through storytelling and creative dance
- Supplementary material to "Dynamic allometry in coastal overwash morphology"
- Dynamic allometry in coastal overwash morphology
- Detailed analysis of overwash on a gravel barrier
- Evaluation of sediment transport at a fetch-limited beach from spring to neap tide
- Overwash sedimentary dynamics in the Ria Formosa barrier islands
- The first two years of an inlet: Sedimentary dynamics
- An evolutionary categorisation model for backbarrier environments
- Natural and human-induced coastal dynamics at a back-barrier beach
- Downwearing rates on shore platforms of different calcareous lithotypes
- Management measures for ancient settlements threatened by coastal hazards at Boca do Rio, Algarve, Portugal
- Role of beach morphodynamic on post-storm recovery
- Overwash threshold experiment for gravel barriers
- Determination of thresholds for storm impacts
- Role of shore platforms on coastal cliffs protection in Algarve (South Portugal): First approach
- From runup to overwash: an integrated perspective
- Coastal dynamics and sediment distribution in inner shelf environments: the Algarve (Southern Portugal) case study
- The Ancão Peninsula vulnerability to overwash events
- Washover evolution on Culatra Island (Algarve Portugal)
- Field measurements of sediment transport in a fetch-limited beach
- Factors controlling the degree of success of an inlet relocation
- Morphodynamics of an overwash event
- Quantitative analysis of the evolution of a stabilised tidal inlet and the adjacent shoreline. A regional approach
- Field measurements of morphologic variations during an overwash event
- Inlet relocation as a coastal management tool
- Backbarrier evolution and complete overwash occurrence
- The influence of coastal processes on inner shelf sediment distribution: The Eastern Algarve shelf (Southern Portugal)
- Overwash hazard assessment
- Flood hazard assessment and management of fetch-limited coastal environments
- Overwash threshold for gravel barriers
- Thresholds for storm impacts on an exposed sandy coastal area in southern Portugal
- Backbarrier evolution at a medium-term scale
- New land-based method for surveying sandy shores and extracting DEMs: The INSHORE system
- Short-term sediment transport at a backbarrier beach
- Short-term morphodynamics of non-storm overwash
- Overwash vulnerability assessment based on long-term washover evolution
- Coastal storm risk assessment in Europe: Examples from 9 study sites
- Sediment dynamics of barriers with frequent overwash
- Classification of washover dynamics in barrier islands
- Sediment transport patterns during overwash
- Historic monuments threatened by coastal hazards at Boca do Rio, Algarve, Portugal
- An integrated method for the determination of set-back lines for coastal erosion hazards on sandy shores
- Quantification of inlet-related hazards in barrier island systems. An example from the Ria Formosa (Portugal)
- Coastal hazards representation for Praia do Barril (Algarve, Portugal)
- Artificial construction of dunes in the south of Portugal
- Lessons from inlet relocation: Examples from Southern Portugal
- Tracer studies on the updrift margin of a complex inlet system
- Development of indices for the evaluation of dune recovery techniques
- BARDEX (Barrier Dynamics Experiment): Taking the beach into the laboratory
- Foreshore and hydrodynamic factors governing overwash
- Inlet sediment bypassing to a downdrift washover plain
- Evaluation of soft protection techniques in barrier islands by monitoring programs: Case studies from Ria Formosa (Algarve-Portugal)
- Preliminary results of the Cacela Peninsula (southern Portugal) replenishment
- Natural evolution of an artificial inlet
- Integrated dune/beach nourishment on Cacela Peninsula, Portugal
- Recent Evolution of the Natural Inlets of a Barrier Island System in Southern Portugal
- Estudo morfosedimentar da península de Cacela
- Recent evolution of Cacela Peninsula (Algarve)
- Study of maximum runup levels in Península do Ancão and its relationship with overwash
- Preliminary evaluation of the morphological evolution of contrasting beaches of the Ria Formosa with relation to differences in refracted wave height
- Recent evolution of Culatra Island (Algarve Portugal)
- From art to the sustainability of coasts and seas
- Vegetation effects and sediment deposition in a mesotidal wetland
- O Professor Goncharov não vem mais
- The role of art in coastal and marine sustainability
- Short-term sedimentation dynamics in mesotidal marshes
- From art to sustainability of coasts and seas
- 'Once upon a time... a beach sand grain': a bed-time story and scientific outreach activity for toddlers to increase sediment literacy
- Adaptation of 'Coasts for Kids' animations: an exercise of cultural diversity in coastal communication
- Coastal risk communication: what do you think about it?
- The sea and the coast: views from European journalists
- O que é que os jornalistas pensam sobre a cobertura de mar na imprensa europeia?
- Report - Project CIDADÃO+ Senior Curiosity and Diversity
- Data 'Engaging children in geoscience through storytelling and creative dance'
- Data from 'Science communication for social inclusion: exploring Science & Art approaches'
- Protocol for qualitative data collection with science journalists about the sea and the coast
- Supplementary material to "Dynamic allometry in coastal overwash morphology"
- The birth of backbarrier marshes in Culatra Island (Ria Formosa, South Portugal)
- Exploring the wonders of wetlands with the Kit ‘Salt Gardens’
- How do coastal experts communicate science? Insights from an international survey
- Large-scale barrier dynamics experiment II (BARDEX II) – Experimental design and some preliminary results
- Washover evolution on Culatra Island (Algarve – Portugal)
- Recent evolution of Culatra Island (Algarve – Portugal)
- Recurso à dança criativa e “storytelling” para a comunicação de ciência
- Exploring the wonders of wetlands with the Kit ‘Salt Gardens’
- How European journalists cover marine issues