
Edward Pentz

Executive Director

Oxford, UK


  • ORCID: a system to uniquely identify researchers DOI: 10.1087/20120404
  • ORCID: A system to uniquely identify researchers
  • CrossRef: Improving scholarly communications DOI: 10.1241/johokanri.54.30
  • TRANSFER Code of Practice: the publisher's point of view
  • The UKSG TRANSFER Project: collaboration to improve access to content
  • Code of practice: The publisher's point of view
  • The UKSG transfer project: Collaboration to improve access to content
  • CrossRef at the crossroads DOI: 10.1087/095315106778690760
  • CrossRef at the crossroads
  • CrossRef Monthly Newsletter DOI: 10.5555/monthly_newsletter
  • CrossRef and DOIs: New developments
  • Recent developments at CrossRef
  • About CrossRef DOI: 10.1241/johokanri.45.227
  • Brief communication: reference linking with CrossRef DOI: 10.1108/02641610110694720
  • CrossRef the missing link
  • Linking to the appropriate copy: Report of a DOI-based prototype

Edward Pentz's public data