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omwwmy4568 發表於 2012-12-21 02:49

[業界] 外媒對比Wii U/Xbox360/PS3三版本的COD BO2的畫面

來源:http://www.lensoftruth.com/heads ... s-wii-ups3xbox-360/,只翻譯結論部分。

Conclusion: As you can see in the Analysis videos the Wii U holds its own in terms of performance. Although, the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions have an overall slight advantage with frame rate, the Wii U has absolutely Zero screen tearing and a respective frame rate. Lastly, With all the speculation out there about the overall power of the Wii U, we’re actually really impressed with the Wii U thus far.  Considering that developers have had over seven years to grasp the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 hardware we were expecting a lot worse outcome.

結論:由分析視頻可見Wii U在畫面表現方面有自己的一套。雖然Xbox360和PS3在幀率方面略有優勢,但是Wii U完全沒有任何畫面撕裂現象並保持相應的幀率。最後,聽著那些關於Wii U整體性能的猜測,我們還是實實在在地對於Wii U如此之進步感到印象深刻。一開始我們還認為鑒於Xbox360和PS3的硬體已經被廠商玩了了7年Wii U的表現應該更差一點。

此遊戲三主機壞幀(torn frames)比率對比:
PS3            3.15%
Xbox360    1.34%
Wii U           0.0%


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