

  • Bidding for City of Culture status : revealing hidden heritage through creative research methods and the role of digital cultural asset mapping.
  • Promoting tangible and intangible hidden cultural heritage: local communities influencing civic decision-making and international cultural policy
  • Architectural regeneration
  • Collage for Sustainable Housing Development- Learning and Reflecting through Collaboration, Document Analysis and Collage
  • Young people, digital media making and critical digital citizenship
  • Cultural Connections: Social Media for the Conservation Professional
  • Story 40: Building bridges; primary masters
  • Walking as pedagogy: Tackling urban issues through experiential learning
  • Digital Storytelling at the annual school
  • The Power Hour of Writing: A flexible, vibrant writing community format.
  • The menagerie service: a study of the nature of frustratory and dedicatory memory

Alison McCandlish's public data